Logo Colegio San Jorge de Inglaterra

  4 Stars 

 Categoría:  D2     Calificación:  AAA++          
 Sector: Privado Calendario: B
 Género: Mixto Ciudad: Bogotá
 Estudiantes: 1.410   Profesores: 113
 Rectoría: Jaime H. Acosta  
 Graduados últimos tres años: 243
 Categoría ICFES: A+ (Muy Superior)
 Índice total actual ICFES: 0.896
 Admisiones: septiembre

Idiomas: idioma españolidioma ukidioma francés

certificado-acreditado por


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Wikpedia logoSt. George's School (Colegio San Jorge de Inglaterra) founded in 1958, is a private traditional British school in Bogotá, Colombia. Students start at the age of four in Pre-Kinder and continue 14 years to Eleventh Grade which is equivalent to Twelfth Grade internationally. The School is quality accredited by the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), Committed to Excellence, with four stars. It is also certified by ICONTEC International and IQNET Management System under the ISO 9001:2015. The School is also an active member of UNCOLI (The Colombian Association of International Schools) and ASOCOLDEP (The Colombian Association of Private Education). The School has received several national honours and is consistently ranked amongst the top ten schools, out of more than 16,000 in the country, by third parties such as: National ICFES SABER Examinations; Sapiens Research, who have ranked the school with the highest grade in Colombia since 2014, and Ranking RK.co, also with the highest score nationwide.

Recuperado el 27-12-18
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Cargando los datos por favor espere un momento
Exalumnos (2018--2023) 363
En Colombia 321
En otros países 42


Carrera 92 # 156-88, Suba, Bogotá, Colombia
Tel: (+571) 432 4000 / Correo-e: sanjorge@sgs.edu.co
